

Monday, 4/02               MUSIC CLASS:

We started the week with music class and the plan for today was this:
1. Warm up
2. Associative listening
3. Formal listening
4. Small composers workshop
5. From a picture to a peace of music

In one hand, to "Warm up" we sang "Slap & clap", "the secretary" and we sang a lot of songs from the copys with the piano in order to warm up us: "Singing all together", "My Lord what a morning", "Swing low"...

In second hand, we listened some pieces to try to associate with differents kinds of animals:
    - BER: fast, buzzy sound, small intervals...music
    - ELEPHANT: slowly, deep...music
    - SWAN: soft, elegant, high...music

When we finished with this associations, we worked in groups to try to perform the music or transform the music to the mimic play. The teacher gave us a piece of music and all groups went to diferents classes to rehearse the performance. And when all people presented their theatres, we realized that all scenaires have tension, killers, dead...because the music maked us feel that.

This was our performance:

With this activity we could express our feelings, working in group, being creativity, listening music and transform in feelings....because the music has meaning!!

In third place, we put one piece of music in order ("The Gnome"):

Finally, we did in groups a small composer workshop with this structure. My group composed for all spanish girls did a little representation about the sounds like the water:

Wednesday, 6/02               UPDATING BLOG:
Today we started class at 12:30 and the teacher taught us how to do our blog. We have been doing this blog.
BLOG TIME: your professional (and private) tool. that will help me to evaluate my progress, learning and the program. My blog is a fantastic tool when I have to write my final paper. blog is by nature "open" so do share with each other - collaboration...

 Thursday, 7/02               SPROGSKOLEN & ART CLASS:
This morning all class went to the Sprogskolen to know the build for do the next danish classes. The danish teachers did an each interview and told me that I need the CPR number in order to can go in danish class.

 At 12:30 we went to the university to have art class. We did a lot of things, like a collage, take photos express sentiments and paint the photos trying to choose the correct colour. This work also we continued in Friday.

Friday, 8/02               MUSIC CLASS :
To start the music class, the teacher did a short introduction about how teaching music to teenagers:

PERCEPTION                               PERFORMANCE
listening                                  singing
analysing                                using your body
background knowledge                    playing instruments
Approach: analytical                    Approach: physical, experiential

Then, we introduced ourself (focusing on music). We had to answer these questions:
          How were you taught music?
          - I taught music in the school and also in the last year of university I play the flute.
          What is your favorite music?
          - My favourite music is pop and flamenco.
          Are you a musician yourself?
          - No, I'm not, but my sister is a musician and she plays the clarinet.

30 minuts after, we went to an other class and we did one coreography with differents steps and voices.

When we came back to our class, we did an exercise about perception (listening to and learning about music):
APPROACH: music as something already familiar, something that surrounds us in our daily lives.

We listened a song from Robbie Williams:

Before listening:
         Which musical structures do you expect to find in a pop song?
          - chorus/refrain, climax, instrumental (solo), intro, verse...
         What is a hook?
          - is a short and remarkable, but relatively simple, melodic or rhytmic phrase wich is easier to remember than the rest of the music.

After listening:
We completed a table about the structure  that we can find in a pop song: