first is dark, he is inside in one haunted house, and he sees a lot of dead people.
deep + long notes + disharmonic + suddenly unexpected sounds + instruments = no melody
What can we do with the children?
We can say to the pupils that they choose two faces and inventing one kind of music.
Compose a melody to fit two or three of the animals on the page.
Ilustrate by your melody whether it is a heavy or light animal, and if it moves fast or slowly
Seek inspiration from the animals' own sounds
Make use of both legato and staccato
Prepare yourselves to performing your melodies in class
What happens in the picture? What preceded the situation of the picture, and what is going to happen inmediately after?
BEFORE: The deer was very happy playing with others animals like a birds, rabbit. And suddenly heards a shot.
NOW: The deer is hidden behind the plants and the grass.
THEN: Is not a shot, is a thunder and start to rain. Really he is not in dangerous.
Invent a short story of 3 episodes, based on these situations:
Once upon a time there was a little deer called Bambi. In a sunny day he was playing with all the others animals in the beautiful green forest. There were butterflies, birds, rabbits...It was a very nice day. they were all singing together.
Suddenly, there was a loud shot. All the animals stopped playing and went very quiet. the very scared rabbit screamed out loud and started a real panic. Everybody ran away to hide themselves. Bambi, who has the biggest animal had real problems hidden himself, but he found a good place in the brushes. He looked around, very afraid of the shot. All the animals thought there were hunters to kill them.
Heaven got really dark. Suddenly something fell on Bambi's nouse, then on his ear, on his cheeks, on his eyes...It started to rain. There was an other loud shot. It was a thunder! Bambi was relieved, it was only a storm and started singing in the rain.
Ilustrate the story in sound/music, using the instruments. Let the animal sounds inspire you, or use your own voices.
The video about our composition (Loes, Evy, Ramona and me):
Wednesday, 20/02 MUSIC:
BEHIND THE MUSIC: What's the secret to writing a hit?
Words easy to remember and sing along.
You have to write 10 songs to get one good.
Make it in the big music world, get someone to listen ot your song.
Make sure it's loud.
Have a good title.
Find a budding artist to be your partner.
Find the right key to sing/play in.
Today, the belgyum people, the spanish girl and the two basc people presented their music in their countrys.
He listened Samson & Gert, Scala, Selah Sue, Bongo botrako and a lipdub from Basc Country
We continued with the song from Robbie Williams. I analized the first and the second verses:
- The first verse has a space for a lead vocal (focus on his melody). The music is more transparent. There are not many instruments, only the piano, shaker and a little lower.
- The second verse is more intense and dynamic. There are more layers and more instruments, like a drums and the guitar.
Thursday, 21/02 ART:
Today was a funny day!! We maked two films, first in groups (Lien, Mesi and me) and then all class together. Here are the videos:
We started the class talking about wich is the best education system and how many grades are in our countrys. The danish marking scale is a 7 point grading scale and the spanish marking scale is 10 point:
10 _________for an excellent performance
9__________ for a very good performance
7/8_________for a good performance
6__________ for a fair performance
5__________ for an adequate performance
0/4________ for an inadequate or inacceptable performance
Then, we went to see the documentary film "Bahrain-Shouting in the dark" and we discussed the film in a socratic dialogue:
In the end, we did groups in countrys and we tried to explain how our countrys have violated the Human Rights. To do this work, we used the WIX and the PIXTON, and we created a website and a comic about all this information.
And the information to do the comic is from this book: Abdi and Schultz: Educating for Human Rights and Global Citizenship, page 25 – 37 and state the “FourGenerations of Practice andDevelopment”.
My group has gone to Oihane and Leizure's flat and we have prepared our presentation using this programs:
A refugee is someone who cannot live in their own country because they are afraid of being persecuted (abused or mistreated) because of their religion, political beliefs or social behaviour. When you are given refugee status by another country you are allowed to live in that country, safe from harm many people consider themselves refugees whether or not they have been officially recognised by the government of the country in which they are seeking asylum.
What is an asylum seeker?
An asylum seeker is someone who seeks asylum (safety) in a foreign country and has applied to the government in the hope that they will be given refugee status.
What is an internally displaced person?
An internally displaced person is someone who seeks safety in another part of their country because they are afraid of being persecuted. They do not cross any international borders, so are not considered refugees.
'Everyone has the right to seek and to enjoy in other
countries asylum from persecution'
(Article 14, Universal Declaration of Human Rights)
Then we tried to do a presentation in GOANIMATE but we had a lot of problems and lost our work. This is the dialogue that we had prepared:
L: Hi, I’m Laura, the social educator of Haula. Haula came from the Sahara to Spain because her parents are political refugees there. She will stay here for a long time and we’re trying to integrate Haula, so she’s staying in the school. Now, I have been thinking that taking into account that she’s a refugee’s daughter you can work in that topic.
M: Oh, hi! I’m Marta and I’m her new teacher. Yes, it would be nice to treat the topic of refugees in the classroom for all the students to understand Haula’s situation and to empathize with her. But now at the moment we don’t have any sort of material for that in the school. Maybe...
L: That’s not a problem! Nowadays, there’s a webpage where you can find this kind of material: > Our work > Education. There is a lot of material to educate children in Human Rights, and in this case, you have to look for “Refugees and asylum”.
M: Have you used that material? Is it good?
L: Oh, yes! We, as social educators, have to search for that sort of material and try it to decide if it’s good for applying it in the school. “Refugees and asylum”, particularly, has both types of material: free and paying. But, fortunately, there are more materials for free than paying. I hope that the free ones aren’t of less quality than those which are for paying (we haven’t tried these ones).
M: Oh, great! That way, it will be very cheap! And, is it useful in any grade?
L: Unfortunately not! That’s a big hole in the material because it isn’t useful for kindergarten. I mean, the material is made from 6 year olds. That’s something to work on because it’s important to educate children in Human Rights ever since they’re in kindergarten. But, taking into account that Haula is in primary school, you won’t have any problem.
M: Yes, as you said, fortunately Haula is in primary school but what happens with the ones that are in kindergarten? It’s important also to work on it... I hope this would change in the future!
L: Yes, me too.
M: And finally, I would like to know if we have material enough for secondary education, because we cannot start and stop in primary schools, you know...
L: Yes, there’s! We’ve seen that there’s some extra material for secondary education and it’s well also to work in. Do you need any more information?
M: No, thank you. You’ve been very helpful for me.
L: You’re welcome. If you need some more information, don’t hesitate and contact me. Good-bye.
M: Bye!
Then we have done a conclusion in order to explain better our work:
Refering to the topic we have chosen, has been "Refugees and asyluum" because when we were discussing about which matter would be important to learn, we thought that this would be a very interesting topic to speak about in Spain. There, we have a lot of refugees and refugees' offspring from Sahara and even having this situation, it is a topic that we have not been taught.
Then, we have said: How can be it possible? we are dealing with them daily and we are not able to know why are they here. that way, we can not be able to understand them and they would not be integrated in our country.
For us, as educator, is very important to educate children in diversity and thus, be able to understan them and emapthize with the refugees. Furthermore, we believe intercultural education should be taught from childhood, to make children more conscious and engaged.
Moreover, in the page we have found some interesting materials due to the topic chosen. here there are the different types of material we have found:
Educational units
Games: card games, the great escape, and so on
Once analyzed the material of the webpage, we have seen that there are some positive and negative aspects in it. That is to say, the material we have found were very good but we found some differents aspects that we found interesting to comment on. Firstly, in regard to the positive aspects, we think that the material is very well organized because in each activity every objective is very clearly established, the explanations of the activities are very well done (with notes for the teachers) and the schedule is well calculated.
In the same way, this material also have some negative aspects. In this case, we think that the material is not enough for a complete education in the topic. What we mean is that the materials given in the web page of is centrated only in primary and secondary education. These materials start in the age of 6, so in kindergarten they don't have any material to teach this topic and we see specially necessary educate children since they start their education.
Finally, we can say that these materials are very useful. But they have the problem of being mostly for primary and secondary school. We think that is important for children to educate in Human Rights since they are in kindergarten to get use to them. what we mean is that teaching it since they are in infant education they would be used to it. That way, it won't be a subject to learn for them, instead of it, it would be a value learnt since they were small children.
In the afternoon, we sat in a circle center with 14 people, who will discuss which is the best global educational system. The other people saw from the outside. Those who were sitting had an object (ax) that allowed them to talk.
These were some ideas that we commented:
the children can decide a lot.
protect for children
the children should explore everything
Don't obligated to the children, they can choose
More different courses (kitchen, art...)
Learn from each others
Learn byself
divide in years and ages
The most important is the children
Is important relationed the family with the school
Every child must feel loved and happy
Is very important do practices classes and not theorycal class, because if the children are bored, they can't learn
I thought in my specialitation and I said that the best education system in the world have all classes adapted for children with disabilities, have interpreters for deaf children and all types the machines for blind children.
vocation and motivation (teachers should enjoy their job)
Interactive class
After this activity, we did groups for work in this website:
We watched 8 or 9 videos from this page and did a summary in order to extract the points more importants that had to have the best system in the world.
These were our summarys:
Do the green thing - Andy Hobsbawm
Sugata Mitra’s nex experiments on self-study
Schools kill creativity - Ken Robinson
Creativity is needed ans should be used more. It can be used to give a clever message and to activate people. Creativity should e used against the climate change.
Sugata Mitra's "Hole in the Wal (computers that can be used by everyone)l" experiments have shown that, in the absence of supervision or formal teaching, children can teach themselves and each other, if they're motivated by curiosity and peer interest. It’s important that they work in groups so they can learn also from each other. But they don’t need teachers.
If you are not ready to be wrong, you are not ready to be creative. Every school around the world has the same hierarchy of subjects. At the top are mathematics and languages, then humanity and at the bottem there are the arts.So why don’t we teach our children (ex) dance every day like we teach them maths every day. People tell you that you shouldn’t study art because you won’t become an artist. This is a huge mistake. Educations have also become a way of entering into the university and they only focus on that. Some people are just more active than others, they don’t necessarily have ADHD, but their talents don’t lay in the subjects that are given to them to school. Schools need to give more creative subjects. Or make all the subjects more creative.
Colin Powell - kids need structure
Colin Powell (former Secretary of State in the U.S.) likes to bring structure in his interaction with pupils. F.e. When a pupil has a question, he/she has to get in front of the class and stand straight with the same position like a real soldier. (without hanging shoulders or pants, …) It may sound very weird, but the pupils like it. Colin Powell integrates his experiences from his time in the army in his teaching style. Children have to learn how they can obey instructions and know the consequences of not obeying instructions, it gives them structure. Providing structure leads to be respected. In the second half of the video Colin talks more about affairs concerning a good supported start for children as a requirement for good school results but not for a good and well-doing life in America.
Jamie Oliver: Teach every child about food
Everybody know who is Jamie Oliver (I hope), but i think not everyone knows what Jamie cause fights already for 7 years. he is fighting against the children obesity. He talk about America but it is a global problem in schools. Kids don’t know healthy life, healthy food. Every day they eat trash. Trash which full of with sugar, fat and lots of E. This generation will die 10 years earlier, because of the food what they eat. They have to know how to prepare healthy food, but we have to teach them. And For each country, you have to change their school diets.
Annie Murphy Paul: What do we learn before we are born?
Diana Laufenberg: How to learn? From mistakes
Geoff Mulgan: Short introduction of the ‘studio school’
We learn already before we are born, when we are still in the womb. When the mother is eating a lot of carrots during her pregnancy. You can see a face that like the carrots when the child is born. Children also recognize the voice of the mother. When he is sucking on a bottle while hearing the voice of his mother, he is happy. But when he is sucking a bottle while hearing the voice of a strange woman, the baby don’t like it. Children really learn while they are in the womb.
Diane is telling about all the generations in her family. The resume of that story is that her grandfather, father and herself has to go to school to get some information. Now, it isn’t anymore that way. Children come to school, but not to get information. The info is not only in school, it’s in their own living space. So why do children come to school? Diana has the experience with students, because she is a teacher in highschool and she wanted to make school fun. So she tought about what can I do to make school more fun. And she found several things but this is one of the notes she said: ask students to go to places, see things for themselves, to actually experience the learning, to play, to inquire. She shows a few pictures where students are working on their own project. She said that children can make mistakes, but from every mistake they make, they can learn a lot. Just to do it a different way when you are repeating the exercise.
Studio schools are schools where children learn by doing and do by learning. They are schools where the students have to practise all the time. They don’t have to sit on a chair for a whole day. They have to work on a project that they get from a business. They have to work for the business. There are a lot of benefits in a studio school. You can learn how to work in teams, contact people,... They are prepared for the real live when you are working. But you are also prepared to go and study on the university. Lots of benefits. And the students like the way of working.
Bunker Roy: Barefoot college
Bunker Roy has visited a little village in India and he decided to move there and found a barefoot college. It was built in 1986 by simple workers who were not educated they didn’t have any degree but they made a school by their own knowledge. This college using solar power and they cooking meals with ovens which using solar power. It was made by women who were really precise and invented by a man who know everything about the sun even if he doesn’t have any degrees. In this school the teacher is the learner and the learner is the teacher. You can not go there because of money, you can only go there if you want some challenge. Every children working as a farmer who are taking care of animals and fields so the only chance to study: night school. All the school lighted by solar lit. They teach: democracy, citizenship, how you should measure your land, what you have to do if you are arrested, what you have to do if your animals are sick. Every 5 years they have a democratic election where they can elect prime minister between age 6-14. Now its a 12 year old kid is the minister. :) Where the percent of illiterate is very high they using puppets. Thats the way how they communicate with them. From Ladakh to Bhutan they made solar villages. All over the world men wants certificate. Why? They want to live the village and go to a city looking for a job. They came up with a solution: train grandmothers. Best communicate: tell a woman. They pick 3 women from Afghanistan and moved them to India (with their husbands). At 6 months they learnt sign language. they learnt how to use solar power. (They sent them back to their home to Afghanistan) In Sierra Leone the minister didn’t want to believe his ear. 3 grandmothers learnt in 6 months how to use solar power in their own country? They built a barefoot center in Sierra Leone to train grandmothers how to use solar power. They made it in Gambia as well. Don’t look for solutions outside look for solutions within. Listen to people who have the solutions in front of you. Listen to the people on the ground they have all the solutions! Mahatma Gandhi: First they ignore you, and then laugh at you, and they fight you, and then you win!
Gever Tulley teaches life lessons through experience
Using attractive photos and videos, Gever Tulley demonstrates the valuables lessons that children learn in his Tinkering School. When you allow to run free the minds of these young people and you trust in them to give them the tools, materials and the necessary guidance, the creativity appears and the children can build originals boats, bridges and even rollercoaster.
Arvind Gupta: Turning trash into toys for learning
Colin Powell: Kids need structure
Motto of the 70s: Go to the people, live with them, love them start from what they know,build on what they have.
Arvind Gupta showed in his presentation how you can use simply stuff for learning. Also poor children can use this things, because the toys are made of trash. When the children build these things or use them they get different skills (geometry, physics, …). Arvind Gupta said that science is not only for rich people. In a democratic country science must be reach the most oppressed children.
Always be looking for that which you do well and that which you love doing, and when you find those two things together — man, you got it.”
Today, each group presented their ideas for 10 minuts about EDUTOPIA and in the lunch hour, the same group discussed if we (now) need to change/copy our "statement" on the best education system.
For finish the class, we did a Brainstorm for week when will arrive the comenius students in order to design a plan and work with them together.