In 18th on Monday, I started my school experience with Oihane and Leizuri in Bakkeskole in Kolding. We only could enjoy one week because the second week was the lock-out.
We followed an english teacher called Maria and we could see her teach in children 12 years old and 9 years old.
The older pupils were working in one interesting project called ARMCHAIR TRAVEL. They had to prepare one virtual trip to one country and search the hotel, the flight, the prizes, the restaurants, etc.
Today, we watched this movie in our class and we did a lot of activities:
Tuesday, 12/03 DANISH SCHOOL:
We had dinner with another international students who were here in Haderslev in a study grant "Comenius". Every people prepared some food from their countrys and all together enjoyed in a big and special dinner.
Thursday, 14/03 "Team work creativity":
We had an interesting class about the creativity explained for a spanish teacher called Laura Angelini.
We started with an activity to realize about who is the most participated in a class, who is the leader and who is more passive.
Then of this, we divided the class in groups and we tried to assign one role for each one:
CHIEF LEADER: good communicator, hard-working, ambitious, competitive, risk-taker
ADVISORS: fast decision-makers, objective, ambitious, pro-active, influential
LANGUAGE MONITOR: responsible, efficient, competent
And this was my group:
We worked a lot in differents activities and each one had to control and do his role. We learned about EDMODO and how to use it:
And then, we saved our voice in doing a song saying why education was a right in itself. This is the lyrics that we composed:
We did also a presentation in and we used more programs. All this activities were for we realized about the news technologies and how this affect to the younger people:
We had to know how mix all in the education. We had to use this news resources and teach the students by the exploration, nature, touch, feel...
"Tell me and I forget. Show me and I remember. Involve me and I understand" Chinese proverb
Teaching is usually discussed in terms of three related aspects: Approach, Method and Technique.
Different theories about the nature of language and how languages are learned imply different ways about teaching and learning a language and different methods make use of different kinds of classroom activity.
What is Active Learning?
Active learning occurs when students are given the opportunity to interact with the subject matter of a course. It is anything students do in the classroom other than passively listening to a lecture.
Students generate rather than receive knowledge. It is impossible to transmit knowledge.
The teacher facilitates rather than dictates the students' learning.
Why Active Learning?
Research suggests that active learning is an exceptionally effective teaching technique.
regardless of subject matter, when compared to traditional teaching methods (lecture), students learn more material, retain the information longer, meet other students, develop interpersonal skills...and enjoy class more.
Friday, 15/03 SPECIAL NEEDS:
We saw the film "TAARE ZAMEEN PAR" (Every child is special):
The film explores the life and imagination of eight-year-old Ishaan (Darsheel Safary). Although he excels in art, his poor academic performance leads his parents to send him to a boarding school. Ishaan's new art teacher (Aamir Khan) suspects that he is dyslexic, and helps him to overcome his disability.
Today, we had an international class where two international students showed us how is the Danish school and Kindergarden. They explained us the basic values in the educational system:
aim: to play an active role in a globalised, knowledge-based society.
education for all
high standards
lifelong learning: upgrading the workforce
active participation
Then, they told us about the expectations of the Danish school system and all the erasmus together tried to find the solutions in this dealing with difficulties in the classroom:
There is a child who swears a lot in class and is verbally abusive to everyone, including the teachers. How would you deal with this issue?
There is a girl who is absent from school a lot of the time. When she comes to class, she is behind the other students and does not participate. How would you deal with this?
There is a class where two boys bully their classmates so much, that none of the pupils want to answer any questions in class. How would you deal with this problem?
In the end of the session, we worked in groups of countries to do a "teaching sequence" about the culture of our country. We came up with one activity that wich all the children will work in groups and will make a final presentation about differents topics in Spain (culture, food, films, art, traditions...):
Wednesday, 6/03 SPECIAL NEEDS:
We started making a short PRESENTATION, but introducing our partners, so we had to present the person that we are interviewing. We told about:
- Name
- Country
- Your motivation for choosing this course
- What are you good at?
- What are your expectations to this course?
Then, we talked about the CONVENTION ON THE RIGHTS OF THE CHILD. This Convention is the first legally binding international instrument to incorporate the full range of human rights-civil, cultural, economic, political and social rights.
In 1989, world leaders decided that children needed a special convention just for them because people under 18 years old often need special care and protection that adults do not.
The leaders also wanted to make sure that the world recognized that children have human rights too.
The Convention sets out these rights in 54 articles and two Optional Protocols. It spells out the basic human rights that children everywhere have:
the right to survival
to develop to the fullest
to protection from harmful influences, abuse and exploitation
and to participe fully in family, cultural and social life.
The four core principles of the Convention:
are non-discrimination
devotion to the best interests of the child
the right to life, survival and development
and respect for the views of the child. Every right spelled out in the Convention is inherent to the human dignity and harmonious development of every child. The Convention protects children's rights by setting standards in health care, education, and legal, civil and social services.
In SALAMANCA STATEMENT believe and pro claim that:
every child has a fundamental right to education, and must be given the opportunity to achieve and maintain an acceptable level of learning.
every child has unique characteristics, interests, abilities and learning needs.
education systems should be designed and educational programmes, implemented to take into account the wide diversity of these characteristics and needs.
those with special educational needs must have access to regular schools which should accommodate them within a childcentred pedagogy capable of meeting these needs
Inclusion is concerned with all children and young people in schools, it is focused on presence, participation and schievement. Inclusion and exclusion are linked together so that inclusion involves the active combating of exclusion, and inclusion is seen as a never-ending process. Thus an inclusive school is one that is on the move, rather than one that reached a perfect state.
Thursday, 7/03 SCHOOL VGIE:
Today, we went to Vojens in order to know the VGIE school.
At 10 o'clock in the morning, Kim Hahn invited us to brunch and then, he explained us about his school:
Since 1814, Denmark has had compulsory education rather than compulsory schooling.
Danish: all Classes
English: Classes 4 to 9
Christian studies: all Classes
History: Classes 3 to 8.
Social studies: Class 9.
PE and sport: all Classes.
Music: Classes 1 to 6.
Art: classes 1 to 5.
Textile design, wood/metalwork and home economics: one or more of Classes 4 to 7.
Mathematics: all Classes.
Science: Classes 1 to 6.
Geography and biology: Classes 7 and 8
Physics/chemistry: Classes 7 to 9
Schools must offer instruction in German in Classes 7 to 9. The pupils may be offered instruction in French instead of German in Classes 7 to 9.
EFTERSKOLE: are private schools offering education specifically for the 8th to the 10th form. In addition to the compulsory subjects, a variety of activities ins sport, music, art, etc. are offered. Most of these schools are boarding schools, and they are very popular among young people.
Common educational purpose:
Each Efterskole is a self-governing independent institution and they all deal with both the educational and personal development of the students. They embrace a common educational focus on enlightenment for life, general education and democratic citizenship.
The first "Efterskole" were founded about 150 years ago. The school were closely related to the Danish Folk High School and the educational ideas of N.F.S. Grundtvig (1789-1872) who wanted schools to provide enlightenment for life rather than formal vocational training.
Freedom of the Efterskole:
Compared to public schools the Efterskole has substantial freedom in terms of eg. choice of subjects, teaching methods and educational approach. These vary in accordance with the school's political, religious or pedagogical orientation.
Freedom of Efterskole is assured by substantial state subsidies to both schools and students.
Teacher-student relationship:
One of the things that are unique about the "Efterskole" is the teacher-student relationship. The teacher is responsible for both teaching and supervision outside of school hours. this means that teachers and students are together all day from the time the students wake up until they go to bed. This often engenders a close, personal and non-formal relationship between students and teachers.
Number of schools and students:
There are more than 260 "Efterskole"s spread across Denmark, mostly in rural areas or near provincials towns. At present approximately 28.500 students attend the schools. Schools vary in size from 25 to 500 students but must have a minimun of approx 100 students. The number of students has increased considerably within the last 25 years.
Reasons for attending an Efterskole:
a need to change to a new environment or to get a fresh start (Danish students often share the same teachers and classmates from form 1-9).
a wish to meet a new friends.
to improve the relationship with their parents.
an aspiration for personal development, improvement of selfconfidence.
a desire to come to a school with a certain political, religious or educational orientation.
a need to improve skills and knowledge of basic subjects.
a wish to try those subjects and extracurricular recreational activities offered by the Efterskole or to devote more time and energy to certain subjects e.g. music, theatre, and physical education.
a need to mature and become able to make a more qualified choice concerning future life and educational direction.
Facts about VGIE:
was founded in 1939
The founding quote was: "To be stone that would fence our home Form evil that rise in the south"
The school should offer education for young people in the region
Boys in the winter and girls in the summer.
From 50 students to 171 students today
Changed name in 2006 to Vojens Gymnastik og Idraetsefterskole (Vojens Gymnastics and sports "efterskole").
171 students age 15-17
9th and 10th grade
Offers the academical subjects required by the state (Danish, math, physics, english, german, biology, etc)
7 majors sports: football (soccer) for boys and girls, team handball for boys and girls, badminton, rhytmical gymnastics and tumbling.
A variety of small subjects (home ec, wodwork, art, music, etc)
Internationalisation at VGIE
Want to get in contact with schools and clubs in Europe.
Goals: mmet young people from other countries, practice language skills, practice sport with them and visit schools in cities they visit.
Then, after this presentation about VGIE, we visited 10th graders in English, 4 English classes in groups of 7 and we talked with them something about ourselves, about the school and our country.
At 11:40 we did a tour of the school with pupils as guides:
Friday, 8/03 VGIE SHOW:
In the end of the week, almost all class went to assist to the VGIE's show. It was amazing!! Here I put some videos from this day:
We had to compare the education in differents countries. We started with an introduction and then we put in countries groups and we interpreted all these points in our countries:
loudly, noisy, talkative
all teachers have nicknames ridiculous
teachers = controller
work in groups
final marks more than the process
crisis = private schools
politicians use the education system in order to have the society in their control.
lack of authority and trust in the teacher and educative system.
Kindergarten _ 3 years
Primary school _ 6 years
Secundary school _ 4 years
1. Uniformity
- All children should acquire knowledge on as many issues as possible (encyclopaedically).
- Teaching of equal quality: the same curriculum, same methods, same books, same progression.
- Standardised and centrally managed tests to ensure the same quality.
2. Rationality
- Logical way of thinking, no religion, no emotions.
- Exactness in language and arguments.
- Clear precise demands.
- Understanding of structures and systems.
- Science, Mathematics, French...
3. Elitism
- Competition as a method in teaching and career (no cooperation).
- The private school and grand ecoles as a parallel system to the public.
1. High moral standard
The individual will develop empathy, sense of duty, responsability. Prepared to take leadership.
History, literature, philosophy.
2. Individualism
Close contact between student and teacher. The tutor system. Learning is an individualised inductive proces and cannot be uniform and systematic.
3. Specialisation
Very early: 16 years. You choose the few subjects you want to study. Nobody should force you to waste time os issues you do not feel for.
1. Community needs form the structure of the educational system (economic viewpoint). The teachers stream the children: Hauptschule, Realschule, Gymnasium (only 5%, the rest is waste). School prepares for future jobs. Everyone has a function in the community. Every job has its own dignity.
Shared values: Duty, industriousness, cooperation.
2. The school imitates the parents' way of the socialising. Parents have much influence. Learning by imitating. "Master learning". Proces is as important as product. Skills oriented.
Thursday, 28/02 ERASMUS TRIP:
Today, we did a study trip to Bakkeskolen in Kolding. This visit was very interesting for me because this school will be where I will do my school experience in 3 weeks.
At first, we went inside in a class mixing with international students. In my group was Nele, Ramona and Christina (danish student). We talked a little about all kinds of things that we were interested. she told us that all classes are enabled to connect laptots and normally, the children start tot use at seventh grade.
The international students study 5 languages (includind Spanish). They start tot study English at 9 years old (third grade), but before they know how to speak because all television is in english or with subtitles.
They have not exams all years. So all students are very lazy and they have not a lot of homework..
They can do wherever they want. they respect the teacher and the teacher respects them. The relationship with the teacher are very friendly, but they cumply always with the rules.
After lunch, we visited the rest of the school (library, children's part, kindergarten...) and at 10 o'clock we worked together about Human Rights with the international students. They were 16 years old:
Then, the visit around the school. All the children's part is decorated with pictures about Andersen:
In the afternoon, we went to visit Koldinghus Castle: