

Monday, 11/03                                       FREEDOM RIDERS:

Today, we watched this movie in our class and we did a lot of activities:

 Tuesday, 12/03                                       DANISH SCHOOL:

 We had dinner with another international students who were here in Haderslev in a study grant "Comenius". Every people prepared some food from their countrys and all together enjoyed in a big and special dinner.

 Thursday, 14/03                        "Team work creativity":

 We had an interesting class about the creativity explained for a spanish teacher called Laura Angelini.
We started with an activity to realize about who is the most participated in a class, who is the leader and who is more passive.

Then of this, we divided the class in groups and we tried to assign one role for each one:

CHIEF LEADER: good communicator, hard-working, ambitious, competitive, risk-taker
ADVISORS: fast decision-makers, objective, ambitious, pro-active, influential
SECRETARY: efficient, responsible, honest, organized
LANGUAGE MONITOR: responsible, efficient, competent

And this was my group:

 We worked a lot in differents activities and each one had to control and do his role. We learned about EDMODO and how to use it: http://www.edmodo.com/
We also discuss about the importance of education reading this article: http://www.buzzle.com/articles/importance-of-education.html

 And then, we saved our voice in https://soundcloud.com/ doing a song saying why education was a right in itself. This is the lyrics that we composed:


 We did also a presentation in www.glogster.com and we used more programs. All this activities were for we realized about the news technologies and how this affect to the younger people:

 We had to know how mix all in the education. We had to use this news resources and teach the students by the exploration, nature, touch, feel...
"Tell me and I forget. Show me and I remember. Involve me and I understand" Chinese proverb

 Teaching is usually discussed in terms of three related aspects: Approach, Method and Technique.
Different theories about the nature of language and how languages are learned imply different ways about teaching and learning a language and different methods make use of different kinds of classroom activity.

What is Active Learning?
  • Active learning occurs when students are given the opportunity to interact with the subject matter of a course. It is anything students do in the classroom other than passively listening to a lecture.
  • Students generate rather than receive knowledge. It is impossible to transmit knowledge.
  • The teacher facilitates rather than dictates the students' learning.

Why Active Learning?
  • Research suggests that active learning is an exceptionally effective teaching technique.
  • regardless of subject matter, when compared to traditional teaching methods (lecture), students learn more material, retain the information longer, meet other students, develop interpersonal skills...and enjoy class more.

 Friday, 15/03                                    SPECIAL NEEDS:

We saw the film "TAARE ZAMEEN PAR" (Every child is special):

The film explores the life and imagination of eight-year-old Ishaan (Darsheel Safary). Although he excels in art, his poor academic performance leads his parents to send him to a boarding school. Ishaan's new art teacher (Aamir Khan) suspects that he is dyslexic, and helps him to overcome his disability. 

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